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    Nutrition/Diet Risk Factors

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    Nutrition/Diet Risk Factors

    In the spirit of NCDs prevention in Kenya, IILA is currently implementing a project, “Landscape Assessment and Policy Advocacy towards Elimination of trans fat in Kenya” with financial support from Resolve to Save Lives through the LINKS Community. The goal of this project is to contribute to the elimination of trans fat in the food supply by promoting the WHO REPLACE package in Kenya. The specific objectives of this project are:

    • To Review the TFA landscape in Kenya; and
    • To advocate for effective policy and legislative approaches for the regulation of TFA in Keny

    IILA in collaboration with Research Unit on the Economics of Excisable Products (REEP) based in University on Cape town and Kula Vyema Centre of Food Economics, based at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology has rolled out a project titled “Promoting healthy diets and preventing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Kenya through fiscal policy”. This project is part of the larger Global Regulatory and Fiscal Capacity Building Program (RECAP) & seeks to generate evidence to support uptake of policy recommendations on fiscal measures that can facilitate reduced consumption of sugar sweetened beverages in Kenya, in response to the increase of nutrition related non-communicable diseases.

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